Emily Farmer Emily Farmer

SC Venue Crisis Gofundme


Please donate to the SC Venue Crisis Gofundme! All the donations goes into advertising, traveling the upstate to spread the word, attorneys, and lobbyists.

Friendly Reminder that 20% of Glam Creations Slaes goes into the SC Venue Crisis Gofundme!!

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Emily Farmer Emily Farmer

SC Venue Crisis Linktr.ee

A little recap of what the SC Venue Crisis Linktr.ee is useful for!

1. Sign the petition

2. Contact their state representative

3. Contact governor McMaster

4. Donate

5. Sign up to volunteer

6. Print flyers and stickers to hand out

7. Tips on making a video to help spread the word about the crisis

A little recap of what the SC Venue Crisis Linktr.ee is useful for!

1. Sign the petition

2. Contact their state representative

3. Contact governor McMaster

4. Donate

5. Sign up to volunteer

6. Print flyers and stickers to hand out

7. Tips on making a video to help spread the word about the crisis

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Emily Farmer Emily Farmer

Email the Governor and your State Representative!

Please email the Governor and your State Representative, and encourage them to sign the bill that will help save our local bars and venues! The templates are on the SC Venue Crisis Linktr.ee. SC Venue Crisis is getting more attention! Let’s keep our Local Bars and Venues afloat!!!!

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Emily Farmer Emily Farmer

Our Bars and Music Venues need our help!

The Liquor Liability Insurance here in South Carolina is $1 million dollars! This is not good because this is going to force a lot of our local bars and venues to close down, and a lot of people will be left with no income. This will also have a negative impact on our Musicians and Artists in the upstate, if the venues here close down, all of our local Artists and Musicians will be limited on where to go to perform or sell art. This will make our music and art scene almost non existent.

Please go give SC Venue Crisis a like and a follow. They are on Facebook, Instagram, and Linktr.ee. All those platforms have all the information about the Liquor Liability Issue, and ways we can help. Please email the senator, and sign the petition. Change needs to happen soon!

So many people have partnered up and held Town Hall meetings in the upstate about this issue. Please help keep our Local Bars and Venues afloat!

Right now, 20% of Glam Creations sales will go to the SC Venue Crisis Go Fund Me Page!

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